Garage door opener problems are very common. Sometimes, you may need to call in a garage door expert to check and fix whatever the problem is. However, below is a troubleshooting guide on you can use to identify what could be causing your garage door opener issues.  Most of the time, these problems can be resolve with simple Do-it-Yourself fixes.

The Remote Keypad or Batteries

If you press the remote to open or close your garage door and nothing happens, the first thing you should do is check whether or not the problem is with your remote control device. If the keypad is well aligned and working properly, check the batteries. You may have fitted your remote with the wrong batteries or your batteries may have expired. Replacing the batteries could be a simple fix to the problem.

Power Break Switch 

First check the garage door opener switch on the wall. You may have locked it without knowing it. The remote control will only work if the garage door opener is on.  If it is on and the remote is still not working, the problem could be in in the main switch. You may need to check the main power switch your home and reset it if necessary.


Sensors are safety mechanisms that are designed to prevent the garage door from closing in on a person or object. Once the sensors detect that there is something in the doorway, the garage doors will not close.

The sensors are designed with photo eyes that must be properly aligned or ‘must see each other’ in order for the garage door to close. If these sensors are misaligned or obstructed such that they are not directly aligned, the doors will work in reverse often closing instead of opening all the way down.

If your garage door is not closing, check to see whether the sensors are properly aligned. If they are not aligned, use your hands to adjust them until they are properly aligned.  When doing this, also check that there is nothing obstructing the sensors’ LED light. You can clean the sensors using a clean piece of cloth or even an ear bud.

If the sensors are clean and properly aligned buts still not working, check the wires just to make sure that they are not broken. If the problem still persists, there is a last test you can perform so that you can be sure that the sensors are working fine.

Block the sensors and hold or push down the control button on the wall. The doors should close as pressing down the control button usually overrides the sensors. If the garage door still doesn’t close, then something is definitely wrong with the sensors.

Radio Frequency Interference (RIF)

Some LED bulbs have radio frequencies that clash or interfere with the garage door frequencies. To determine whether or not this is the problem, simply switch off the LED bulbs. If the garage door opener works when the LED bulbs are off and refuse to work when they are switched on; this could be the could be the problem. If this is the problem, the only solution will be to stop using the LED lights.

Dead Circuit Board

If all the solutions above fail to resolve the issue, you may want to check the circuit board to ensure that it is not dead. The circuit board can be damaged if it may have been hit by lightning strikes. If this is the case, you will have to replace it.

Damaged Capacitor

Capacitor fails in electronics are very common. Like batteries, capacitors can go bad after a certain period of time.  Check the capacitor to ensure that there are no signs of bulging or leaks. Sometimes however, a damaged capacitor may have no signs at all. The only solution will be buying a new one.

Worn Out Gears

Grounds up bits are signs that the gears are wearing out. Ensure that chains are not too tight as they could break.

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