Like the other entire garage moving garage door parts, rollers also get worn out after some time and will need to be replaced in order to keep the garage door working effectively. When rollers should be replaced will depend on how much the garage door is used but it is recommended that they are replaced every five years.  If you notice a screeching noise whenever you roll up or close your garage door, this may be an indication that the rollers are wearing out and that they need to be replaced.

Fortunately, when the time comes to replace your rollers, you may not have to incur a lot of money in that this is a simple Do-it –Yourself project that anyone can do. The supplies you will need are also easily available at most hardware or home improvement stores. They are also very cheap and may cost you less than a $100. Below is a simple step by step guide on how to replace your garages rollers in less than an hour.

Gather the Materials Needed

Ensure that you have the following materials; C-Clamps,   New Replacement Garage Door rollers, a Pry-bar, a large flat-headed screwdriver and a pair of pliers. If you do not have a ladder, you can simply borrow one from a neighbor.

Safety Precautions

Before you begin, Make sure that you have unplugged the garage door opener in order to prevent someone else from accidentally closing the button and closing the garage door on your fingers.

Pull down the manual safety release in order to disengage the door from the track. Open the garage door all the way. This should allow the door to move freely.  Remember to place C-Clamps on the track below the last roller to prevent the door from crashing down on you.


  1. Take a Pry-bar and open up the guide track just a little bit using your pair of pliers ideally a few inches below the brake of the tracks.
  2. Align the first rollers with the slightly opened track.  Wedge the flat-screw driver between the track and the rollers and pry the first roller right out of the track guide. Remove it and install your new replacement then use your screwdriver to push the roller back on the track guide.
  3. Roll the garage down and repeat the same process with each of the remaining rollers; removing the old ones and replacing them with new ones. The top most rollers will not go all the way down and hence it won’t align to the track opening.
  4. To replace this top most roller, push the track up and remove the roller, replace it with the new one and then put it back on the track.
  5. Once you are through with replacing all the rollers, close the opening you initially pried open in the track and bend it back into shape using your pair of pliers. You rollers should be able to function smoothly for at least another five years.

Have your helper plug in the garage door once you are done to prevent it from slipping from the track and crashing down on your head.

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